Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy Memorial Day

Construction on the house is moving along faster now.  The left wing of the house is completely roughed in.  The decking and felt is completely covering the roof. The side walls are up to the eaves.

Left Wing Ceiling

Southeast End of House
  The concrete was poured for the garage and David and his guys were able to get it completely framed.
Framed in Garage
The significant other and myself finished taping all the seams on the outside of the house and got the baffles put up in the loft room. 
Baffles in Loft Room
Thing One and Two worked at testing suitability of the floor for sleeping.  One felt it was fine and the other felt it needed more padding.
Lazy Thing One & Two

House Site 5/29/2016
The plan for this week is to get the roof on the right wing of the house.  I leave you with some cute pictures of Tree Swallow babies.  By the time you see this, these guys are probably flying around the property with their parents
Five Baby Tree Swallows
Go hug a veteran.  They are the closes we can get to those that paid the ultimate price for the freedoms that we enjoy.

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