Monday, June 6, 2016

Here Comes Summer.......

House Site 6/6/2015
....and the house is completely under roof.  So much for taking showers in the house when it rains. ;-)
The guys finished all the sheeting and have most of it covered in roofing felt.  They still have some to do on the back.  As you can see they still have a little of the walls up by the eaves on the right wing to close in.  They also have the whole right far in end to close in but we are getting there.

While out walking with the dogs, we came across a very large old box turtle.  The 'child unit' calls them "Steve."  I don't know why, but all turtles get the name of "Steve."  I am pretty sure this one is a girl, so we will call her "Stevie."  I left her with a piece of my clementine.  When we came back a little later, she and clementine were gone.  She may have eaten it, or it may have been snatched up by one orioles that is in the area.
Stevie The Box Turtle
Hopefully next week they will get the house completely buttoned up and the roofers might show up.

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