Sunday, March 20, 2016

A little disapointing

Well it doesn't look like there was a lot of progress on the house.  This week was dedicated to doing the detail work to get ready to do more big stuff. 

The dirt got pulled away from the back of the house, so they could put in the drain pipes and gravel.   Still have more work to do on that.  Part of the back wall was painted with rubber sealant to decrease risk of water infiltration. The footers for the garage were dug. Joints were taped, until they ran out of tape.  Not a usual thing, so tape has to be ordered.  The top of the concrete panels had some chips missing, so they had to do some concrete work on them.  The top plate and gasket for the loft got put in place.  Visually, it doesn't look like a lot was done but things did move forward.
Back of House
The power company also showed up and put a pole at the gate to raise the lines up to standard.  Hopefully, the next time we have gravel put on the road the raised truck bed will not take out the power to the neighbors.  Really sorry about that guys.  Still none up to the house but hope that will happen soon if the weather stays dry.
New Pole at Gate
I backed up 30 feet this week and got a better picture.
House Site 3/20/2016
Thing One and Two think this is going to be an OK place.

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