Sunday, March 13, 2016

Now that is a week of work

When I got to the property Thursday morning there was a large boom arm at the building site.  Why would we need a boom truck to put up walls, you might ask? 
Arm of Boom Truck
Well, our walls are pre-built in a factory.  Part of what makes this house so energy efficient is tight seals at all sites where air can infiltrate.  In order to have tight seals you need square panels.  A jig in a factory allows this to be done economically and efficiently.  The walls are like a sandwich.  A layer of OSB, a six inch layer of Styrofoam, another layer of OSB and then the two by fours.
Cross Section of Wall Panel
The walls are a little heavy but more cumbersome than anything.  So the boom truck makes it very easy to get them into place.  It took David, his guys and Rob and Jim, from the wall manufacturer, two days to get all the walls in place, with the exception of the angled walls.
Panel Going Into Place

Finished Southwest End
House Site 3/12/2016
Looks like I am going to have to step back in the future to get a picture of the whole house. ;-)

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