Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What everyone has been waiting for

Our construction and excavation crew had done the work of putting in the footers (three foot deep with packed gravel) but there was still some fine turning to be done.  Three guys showed up, around seven in the morning, from the concrete panel manufacturer to get everything ready for the installation.  These guys did a great job.  I never saw them stop moving.  The rep said that it would take about an hour to install the panels.  Yet again, he was wrong and it wasn't because these guys were dragging their heels. ;-)

Once we got the panels to the job site it was time to bring in what everyone had been waiting for---THE CRANE
There was a little four year old boy that was in love, not to mention the gaggle of older men with him.  THE CRANE did fine until it got up to the very top and then needed a little help, from our trusty backhoe driver, to get into place.

The first things to be installed were four squares of concrete.  These were placed in various areas of the concrete panel run.  These were placed, checked for level, and then the gravel moved back into place and leveled.
Placing Concrete Squares

Once all the squares were in place it was time for panels to be installed.
THE CRANE Getting Concrete Panel

They started in the far corner from the crane and placed the first panel.  It was placed, leveled and set plumb.
First Panel Placed
Getting First Panel Right

A line of caulk was placed on the first panel, in the corner.  Then they placed the next panel to complete the corner.  The panels were bolted together.  This was the process for each new panel.
Second Panel Going Into Place
The guys finished up a little after 5:00pm.  All total it took about five hours to install all the panels, not including the prep work.
Completed Panel Installation
Job well done!

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