Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Punt

When last we left our intrepid home builders, they had $20,000+ paid for concrete panels and no way to get them to the job site.  It was decided that the panels would be shipped from North Carolina and once they got here, we would off load half the panels, take the remaining ones to the job site, off load at the job site and then repeat the process.  However, these panels are not light and required a large crane for installation and that was included in the price paid.  So, we rented a crane at our expense.  Problem solved! No, not yet.
Stuck Tractor Trailer
Turns out the road on our property was to much for the tractor trailer truck to get up.  We had ask the rep if we needed to do anything to the road.  He ask that we pull up one gate post so the truck could make the turn but otherwise the road was fine.  Turns out he was wrong, again.  I am starting to sense a theme. ;-)

Lucky for us, our excavation crew was there.  There was talk about going and getting the bulldozer but it turns out that a backhoe, with a full load of gravel, can do amazing things.
Backhoe Pulling Tractor Trailer
GO BABY, GO!!!!!!

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