Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Frost On Broomsage

After we got the panels set, things started to slow down.  The weather reared its head and said, "not so fast."  We have had rain, snow, heat, cold and lets not forget the wind.  The wind, which is one of the reasons I love this place so much, is hard on people that have to work out in it and have little shelter.  So progress has been slow but we are still making progress.

After several conversations with the power company engineer, we were able to get him to place the poles where we wanted them.  Not sure when they will be placed due to weather and soil conditions but the contract has been signed and plans drawn.

Our construction crew have continued to work on the site when they can and off site when weather doesn't permit.
Sewer Line Being Installed
 Since holes in the house envelope affects its energy efficiency, we are running as many things as possible under the concrete slab.  Electrical, water, sewer, HVAC, and internet/television have to be placed before the concrete slab can be poured.  The construction crew has got all the pipes, conduit in place and pressure tested the plumbing.  There will be plastic boots put around all of the pipes as they come into the house to further keep air out.
J Channel Footers In Place
Yep, those are our footers.  They are made up of several inches of compacted stone and high density Styrofoam.  The Styrofoam is to prevent thermal bridging that will pull heat out of the interior of the house.  The holes that you see in the above pictures, they will have a high density foam placed in them and support columns will be placed there.

Here is hoping for some clear warm weather so we can get the concrete slab poured and the walls up.

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