Monday, November 2, 2015


When I was a kid there were commercials for RIF-Reading Is Fundamental.  I see from Google that the group that created them still exists.  Apparently our local health department has never seen them.

We got a letter from the health department  denying  our septic permit.  The reason-"A locked gate prevented access to the property for evaluation."  In my former life, I used to deal with the health department, specifically the sanitarians, all the time.  So, I knew going above and beyond was not something in their job description.  If it wasn't simple, they would usually find a way not to do the job.  With this knowledge, we put on the form to please call us, with the number written big, to obtain access to the future house location because there was a locked gate.  Well, the sanitarian decided to just go out there and see if he could do the site survey-nope locked gate.  To his credit, once he saw the locked gate, he did call, but he got voicemail and didn't leave a message.  Oh wait!!  Nevermind, I see that this is all our fault.  We gave him the number but we didn't tell him what to do if a human didn't answer.

The plan now is to have the guy who is going to put the septic in, call the Sanitarian and set up a mutually agreeable time to do the survey.

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