Sunday, April 10, 2016

I thought it was Spring

Somethings got done on the house site, but not as much as I would like.  I would like the house done yesterday, but I realize that isn't possible.;-).  This week's lack of great advances was due to weather and supply chain issues.

We had snow this weekend, but before that was the wind that comes prior to the fronts.  David and his guys were going to work on roof over the great room this week, but the wind made it unsafe for them.  Completely understand, so I am glad they didn't risk injury.  Plus, the SIPs for the roof didn't show up until Friday.

So, they spent a day or so doing the little things that would allow them to be ready for bigger things.  They filled the wall cracks with foam and then tapped the joints.  David was joking with us that once this house is built we might have to go outside to breath.;-)  Well, at least we won't have to worry about the wind.
Foamed Panel Joint
Taped Panel Joints
Poured the concrete footers for the garage and installed the metal support posts.
Garage Footers and Steal Support Posts
House Site 4/10/2016
Thing Two is hoping for warmer, less windy weather next week.
Thing Two and His Pink Blankie

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