Monday, February 29, 2016

Hoping for a great week

Weather wise it has been a tough past few weeks.  Once the snow finally stopped, we had a little over 14 inches.  Then we had several inches of rain to wash away the snow.  So at the house site we had lots of mud and wind, which equaled very little work done on the house.
House Site 2/15/2016

Tipped Over Port-a-Potty
Yep, that is a tipped over port-a-potty.  We had gusts of almost 70 miles per hour and sustained winds in the 50 mile per hour range.  Lucky, no one was using the potty when the gust hit it.

David and his guys did have a couple of days of semi nice weather and were able to get part of the plastic and rebar put in place.  It stayed in place during all the wind.  Hopefully they get get the other half down and the garage footers put in so we can get a concrete pour.
Plastic And Rebar In Place
Plastic and Rebar In Place

 Fingers crossed for nice weather.

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