Thursday, February 4, 2016

Gift in the pasture

I was trying to find out where the neighbor's burro came through the fence again this morning. The neighbors also have two horses and one round little pony, but only Mr. Burro likes to come visit.  He isn't a bad guy, no doubt due to his lack of testicles.  Once you find his escape spot, from their pasture, it is pretty easy to move him back to it and help him get back to the other side.  Thing Two is always great help in accomplishing this task.

Once I got Mr. Burro back home, I was walking back to the barn and found a skull in the pasture.  Just the top part of the head of a opossum with several teeth still in place.  There was no mandible or other parts of the body located with it.  It was nicely bleached. Thing One and Two didn't think much of it and were happy to let me have it.
Side View Opossum Skull
 Not a lot of brain room.  I used a dime for size reference.  Couldn't put it over the brain area due to very prominent sagittal crest.
Top View of Opossum Skull

Just never know what you will find when you walk in the pasture.

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