Sunday, October 25, 2015

Best laid plans....

Well, the  plans for building the house this spring/summer did not workout the way we wanted.  All the problems we foresaw, and then some popped up.  We started out with three contractors but by the time it was all said and done we were left with just one.  I believe we got the cream of the crop, or at least the one that is willing to step out of his comfort zone and learn something new.

It took eight weeks for the appraiser to finally give the bank his estimate of what the house should be worth.  After reading his report, I still don't think he understands the type of house we are building.  I would not recommend his services. I would love to tell you the name but I am sure that would just get me sued.  Suffice it say, I hope we have more than we need to get it built.

We signed the paperwork for the construction loan Friday.  We are suppose to sign the papers with the contractor Monday.  Maybe the weather will cooperate and we can get this done in the next six months.  I won't be holding my breath but I am sure it will all work out in the end.

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