Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tween time

The calender says spring, but around here we call it the 'tween time,' because mother nature can't decide.  One day it is sunny and almost eighty degrees and the next it is in the teens with four inches of snow on the ground.  It will soon settle down and I hope we will have a little spring this year as apposed to going straight into summer like we did last year.
While I would love to be inside on cold days or under a shade tree on hot days, there are things I need to get done by certain times of the year in order to have any hope of reaching my goal of making this place look like when the first settlers showed up instead of an eroded, overgrown, bramble rich, poorly maintained place that we purchased a few years ago.
The people we purchased it from ran a few head of cattle on the place. They went in with the state and got funding to have it fenced and a water system put in for the cattle. They didn't run enough cattle to keep the pastures grazed properly.  They didn't lime or do any pasture maintenance to keep good quality forages for the cattle or for hay.  I guess they purchased it as a dream and it ended up being a lot more work than they could or wanted to handle.  I can completely understand.  I have no desire to do those things either.  At this point, aside from a few self-propelled weed eaters, a dozen or so motivated bug chasers and the dogs, I have no desire for other animals.
So, my plan is to return it back to a time when no one did maintenance on the land.  The open areas will be warm season native grasses that grow there because it is the type of soil they like and don't need any amendments or extra watering.  They can be cut for hay or left to stand as wildlife habitat.  Every few years, if they aren't cut, they can be burned to revitalize them.  Other areas will be turned back into mixed wood forests.  Give the wildlife a place to nest and me a shade tree for those hot days.
So, I guess I better put on my coat and get out there and start creating that forest.  If I can still move, maybe I will tell you about that later.

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